1. Starting with how to maintain seed quality.
2. Starting from the ready-pijah breeders.
3. Starting from the enlargement LAT consumption.
Raising Business Start a Maintenance Analysis Using LAT Seeds
You can buy seeds or seed from a seller or breeder. Prices depend on length of seedlings (big / small) benij. Prices seed size 1 inch around 1,500 rupiah per cow. Purchase a minimum of 100 ekor.Jika usually you start by maintaining the size of two-inch seedlings that later are expected to be ready-pijah breeders, then roughly you have to wait or keep it in the best possible up to 4-5 months.
In general, farmers do selective breeding when seed has reached the size of about 2 inches. What does selective breeding? Selective breeding is the way elections in which the seed which showed better growth are separated from each other. Selected seed is normally used alone as a candidate for quality breeding, whereas those who pass the selection is likely to be sold and your hands! What if we buy Ceramic with seed prior to selective breeding? They could, and that means you will get the seedlings are about an inch or less. Seed size is generally still vulnerable to environmental changes and stress in the transfer easier, especially if purchasing from outside the city. Which is still very limited experience, can make your own stress because of the many seed that died.
Raising Business Start a LAT Of Ready-Pijah breeders
You can get a set of breeding the LAT from the seller / breeder, breeders usually are usually sold per set, consisting of five females three males. Price per set varies between 175 thousand to 750 thousand rupiahs, and some even reach the millions of rupiah depends on the quality of the breeding LAT. No matter whether you have sufficient capital readiness or not, what is important is how to choose plants that quality and differentiate between male and female.
The advantage of this method is that you do not need too long to wait to get new seeds. Before ordering the container should be prepared prior to breeding, could be an aquarium, fiberglass, cement ponds / land etc. in appropriate size with the density of occupants.
Start Your Business From the LAT Raising Enlargement
What is meant here is that you buy LAT certain size, for example 3-4 inches, then you raise it to reach the age or length of the body that is ready for consumption. The excess purchase price and sale price is what will be your profit.
Enlargement techniques can be performed on the medium ground pool, EDU Bottle, or EDU rain gutters. If your land is limited, the latter is suitable for you.
Now this description of the LAT, now it's up to your choice, whether to start the cultivation of these from seed enlargement, maintenance breeding, rearing or for consumption.