JAKARTA-Honda Scoopy's presence was deliberately aimed at young people who want to look different.
Thus expressed the General Manager of Marketing and Planning Analysis of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Indra Putra Augustine, on the sidelines of the launch of the Honda Scoopy in FX Plaza, Jakarta, Thursday (20/05/2010).
He reveals, for this contribution from the young consumers reaching more than 15 percent. "We see consumers skutik under 20 years increased from year to year," he said.
Because that type of motorcycle competition in the country skutik increasingly uphill along rampant among young consumers who enjoys this type of motor.
Thus, let's call him, Scoopy expected to target the consumers of urban youth aged 17-25 years are dynamic, like the retro feel, and want to look different.
"With three glorious retro pink color, white classic and vintage violet, Scoopy's perfect for those who are young, dynamic, and need to be different," he asserted.
In addition to the coquettish colors, as AHM motorcycle manufacturers Honda Scoopy also been completed with other accessories sold by authorized Honda dealers throughout the package.
Obviously this accessories package will make an appearance Scoopy more retro and chic
Scoopy, untuk yang lebih muda dan ingin berbeda
JAKARTA-Honda kehadiran Scoopy itu sengaja ditujukan untuk orang-orang muda yang ingin terlihat berbeda.
Demikian diungkapkan General Manager Pemasaran dan Perencanaan Analisis PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Agustinus Indra Putra, di sela-sela peluncuran Honda Scoopy di FX Plaza, Jakarta, Kamis (20/05/2010).
Dia mengungkapkan, selama ini kontribusi dari konsumen muda mencapai lebih dari 15 persen. "Kita melihat skutik konsumen di bawah 20 tahun meningkat dari tahun ke tahun," katanya.
Karena jenis kompetisi sepeda motor di negara skutik semakin menanjak bersama merajalela di kalangan konsumen muda yang menikmati jenis motor ini.
Jadi, mari kita memanggilnya, Scoopy diharapkan target konsumen remaja perkotaan berusia 17-25 tahun yang dinamis, seperti merasa retro, dan ingin terlihat berbeda.
"Dengan tiga warna pink retro mulia, ungu klasik dan vintage putih, Scoopy sempurna untuk mereka yang masih muda, dinamis, dan harus berbeda," tegasnya.
Selain warna genit, sebagai produsen sepeda motor Honda AHM Scoopy juga telah dilengkapi dengan aksesoris lain yang dijual oleh dealer resmi Honda di seluruh paket.
Jelas paket aksesori akan membuat tampilan lebih retro dan chic Scoopy
Friday, May 21, 2010
Scoopy, for younger and wanted to be different
Posted by Bayu on 8:19 AM